Wednesday, 21 November 2012

THE DARK HEROINE by Abigail Gibbs

Abigail Gibbs has put her own spin on the vampire genre and it's one I truly enjoyed.  It was refreshing not to have the vampires turn into prep school boys with fangs. I liked the idea of them being dark beings who feel no remorse for who they are. The other aspect of this book that is worthy of praise is the extravagant and dangerous world of the kingdom of Varnly.  The social and ruling class of the vampires comes to life with a sense of decadence and rich pageantry.  This is impressive work considering the tender age of the author, seventeen.  That said the book does have it's flaws.
Violet repeatedly seems to make rash decisions that are given little or no explanation in the book, not allowing the reader to follow or support her choices.  As for Violet's relationship with Prince Kaspar,  Ms. Gibbs has not been able to give it the depth it needs to be much more than the physical attraction we are first introduced to.  Attraction, passion and sex, yes. But a deep love giving her cause to leave everything she knows and loves behind, no . Perhaps it's just a little more maturity the author needs or maybe it's a better editor.

The story ends leaving all sorts of doors open and many possibilities for a sequel to follow. I will definitely read  it when it comes out.  I look forward to seeing Ms. Gibb's style mature and feel confident this is a budding talent with many more tales to tell.  4 out of 5 Stars.  

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